This is a list of relevant literature on the relation between games and war gathered by the participants in the course Applied Reading VII 2022: Games and War at Ritsumeikan University. It will be updated as the course progresses.
Blackburn, Gregory. 2018. “Army Men: Military Masculinity in Call of Duty.” In Masculinities in Play, edited by Nicholas Taylor and Gerald Voorhees, 37–53. Palgrave Games in Context. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Cite
Borit, Cornel, Melania Borit, and Petter Olsen. 2018. “Representations of Colonialism in Three Popular, Modern Board Games: Puerto Rico, Struggle of Empires, and Archipelago.” Open Library of Humanities 4 (1). Cite
Campbell, James. 2008. “Just Less than Total War Simulating World War II as Ludic Nostalgia.” In Playing the Past : History and Nostalgia in Video Games, edited by Zach Whalen and Laurie N. Taylor, 183–200. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Cite
Chapman, Adam. 2016. “It’s Hard to Play in the Trenches: World War I, Collective Memory and Videogames.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Chapman, Adam. 2018. Digital Games as History: How Videogames Represent the Past and Offer Access to Historical Practice. First issued in paperback. Routledge Advances in Game Studies 7. New York London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Cite
Cole, Jaime Banks, John G. 2016. “Diversion Drives and Superlative Soldiers: Gaming as Coping Practice among Military Personnel and Veterans.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Crogan, Patrick. 2011. Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Cite
Smale, Stephanie de, Martijn J. L. Kors, and Alyea M. Sandovar. 2017. “The Case of This War of Mine : A Production Studies Perspective on Moral Game Design.” Games and Culture. Cite
Der Derian, James. 2009. Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-Media-Entertainment Network. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge. Cite
Donald, Iain. 2019. “Just War? War Games, War Crimes, and Game Design.” Games and Culture 14 (4): 367–86. Cite
Dyer-Witheford, Nick, and Greig de Peuter. 2009. Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Cite
Feenstra, Kevin O’Neill, Bill. 2016. “‘Honestly, I Would Stick with the Books’: Young Adults’ Ideas About a Videogame as a Source of Historical Knowledge.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Ford, Dom. 2016. “‘EXplore, EXpand, EXploit, EXterminate’: Affective Writing of Postcolonial History and Education in Civilization V.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Frühstück, Sabine. 2017. Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Modern Militarism in Japan. Oakland, California: University of California Press. Cite
Fuchs, Michael, Vanessa Erat, and Stefan Rabitsch. 2018. “Playing Serial Imperialists: The Failed Promises of BioWare’s Video Game Adventures.” The Journal of Popular Culture 51 (6): 1476–99. Cite
Gieselmann, Hartmut. 2007. “Ordinary Gamers - The Vanishing Violence In War Games And Its Influence On Male Gamers.” Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 1 (1). Cite
Gish, Harrison. 2010. “Playing the Second World War: Call of Duty and the Telling of History.” Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture 4 (2): 167–80. Cite
Glas, René. 2013. Battlefields of Negotiation : Control, Agency, and Ownership in World of Warcraft. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Cite
Guanio-Uluru, Lykke. 2016. “War, Games, and the Ethics of Fiction.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Halter, Ed. 2006. From Sun Tzu to XBox: War and Video Games. New York: PublicAffairs. Cite
Hammond, Holger Pötzsch, Philip. 2016. “Special Issue - War/Game: Studying Relations Between Violent Conflict, Games, and Play.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Hanford, Nicholas A. 2018. “At the Intersection of Difficulty and Masculinity: Crafting the Play Ethic.” In Masculinities in Play, edited by Nicholas Taylor and Gerald Voorhees, 149–64. Palgrave Games in Context. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Cite
Healey, Gareth. 2016. “Proving Grounds: Performing Masculine Identities in Call of Duty: Black Ops.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Jørgensen, Kristine. 2016. “The Positive Discomfort of Spec Ops: The Line.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Kerr, Aphra. 2013. “Space Wars: The Politics of Games Production in Europe*.” In Gaming Globally: Production, Play, and Place, edited by Nina B. Huntemann and Ben Aslinger, 215-. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Cite
KIRSH, STEVEN J. 1998. “Seeing the World Through Mortal Kombat-Colored Glasses: Violent Video Games and the Development of a Short-Term Hostile Attribution Bias.” Childhood 5 (2): 177–84. Cite
Lowood, Henry. 2016. “War Engines: Wargames as Systems from the Tabletop to the Computer.” In Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming, edited by Pat Harrigan and M G Kirschenbaum, 83–105. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Cite
Lunning Frenchy. 2009. War/time. University of Minnesota Press. Cite
Machin, David, and Usama Suleiman. 2006. “Arab and American Computer War Games: The Influence of a Global Technology on Discourse.” Critical Discourse Studies 3 (01): 1–22. Cite
Maloney, Marcus. 2019. “Ambivalent Violence in Contemporary Game Design.” Games and Culture 14 (1): 26–45. Cite
Mantello, Peter. 2017. “Military Shooter Video Games and the Ontopolitics of Derivative Wars and Arms Culture: Military Shooter Video Games.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 76 (2): 483–521. Cite
Mead Corey. 2013. War play : video games and the future of armed conflict. Houghton MifflHarcourt. Cite
Noon, Derek, and Nick Dyer-Witheford. 2010. “Sneaking Mission: Late Imperial America and Metal Gear Solid.” In Utopic Dreams and Apocalyptic Fantasies: Critical Approaches to Researching Video Game Play, edited by J. Talmadge Wright, David G. Embrick, and András Lukács, 73–95. Lanham (Md), Plymouth: Lexington Books. Cite
Patterson, Christopher B. 2015. “Role-Playing the Multiculturalist Umpire: Loyalty and War in BioWare’s Mass Effect Series.” Games and Culture 10 (3): 207–28. Cite
Patterson, Christopher B. 2020. Open World Empire. New York: NYU Press. Cite
Payne, Matthew Thomas. 2014. “War Bytes: The Critique of Militainment in Spec Ops: The Line.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 31 (4): 265–82. Cite
Perla, Peter P. 1987. “War Games, Analyses, and Exercises.” Naval War College Review 40 (2): 44–52. Cite
Peterson, Jon. 2012. Playing at the World: A History of Simulating Wars, People and Fantastic Adventures, from Chess to Role-Playing Games. San Diego: Unreason Press. Cite
Peterson, Rolfe Daus, Andrew Justin Miller, and Sean Joseph Fedorko. 2013. “The Same River Twice: Exploring Historical Representation and the Value of Simulation in the Total War, Civilization, and Patrician Franchises.” Playing with the Past: Digital Games and the Simulation of History, 33–48. Cite
Pfister, Eugen. n.d. “„Wie es wirklich war.“ – Wider die Authentizitätsdebatte im digitalen Spiel.” Accessed May 9, 2018. Cite
Pötzsch, Holger. 2017. “Selective Realism: Filtering Experiences of War and Violence in First-and Third-Person Shooters.” Games and Culture 12 (2): 156–78. Cite
Power, Marcus. 2007. “Digitized Virtuosity: Video War Games and Post-9/11 Cyber-Deterrence.” Security Dialogue 38 (2): 271–88. Cite
Quiroga, Stefan Aguirre. 2022. White Mythic Space: Racism, the First World War, and ›Battlefield 1‹. De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Cite
Ramsay, Debra. 2015. “Brutal Games: ‘Call of Duty’ and the Cultural Narrative of World War II.” Cinema Journal 54 (2): 94–113. Cite
Ramsay, Debra. 2017. American Media and the Memory of World War II. First issued in paperback. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies 71. New York London: Routledge. Cite
Sabin, Philip. 2012. Simulating War: Studying Conflict through Simulation Games. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Cite
Saklofske, Jon, Alyssa Arbuckle, and Jon Bath, eds. 2019. Feminist War Games?: Mechanisms of War, Feminist Values, and Interventional Games. London: Routledge. Cite
Schulzke, Marcus. 2013. “Refighting the Cold War: Video Games and Speculative History.” Edited by Matthew Wilhelm Kapell and Andrew B.R. Elliott. Playing with the Past: Digital Games and the Simulation of History, 261–75. Cite
Šisler, Vít. 2016. “Contested Memories of War in Czechoslovakia 38-89: Assassination: Designing a Serious Game on Contemporary History.” Game Studies 16 (2). Cite
Sparrow, Robert, Rebecca Harrison, Justin Oakley, and Brendan Keogh. 2018. “Playing for Fun, Training for War.” Games and Culture 13 (2): 174–92. Cite