

Roth, Martin. 2025. Unboxing Japanese Videogames. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Roth, Martin, and Zoltan Kacsuk. 2025. “Introducing Metadata Analytics: Harnessing the Power of Data from Online Fan Communities for Research on J­apanese ­Popular Visual Media.” Mechademia 17 (2).
Itō [伊藤], Mamoru [守]. 2018. "Der Diskursraum im digitalen Zeitalter [デジタルメディア時代における言論空間]." Translated by Martin Roth. ReVisions.
ロートマーティン. forthcoming. “ゲームは遊びではない.” In CW.
Roth, Martin. forthcoming. “Playing with Animal Crossing: New Horizons. A Comparison of Game-Related Video Practices in the Japanese, Korean and Chinese YouTube Space.” In The Handbook of Japanese Games, edited by Rachael Hutchinson. Tokyo: Japan Documents Publishing.

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Hust, Christoph, and Martin Roth, eds. 2024. "Special Issue: Music in Non-Digital Games." Journal of Sound and Music in Games 5 (3): 1–118. Cite
Roth, Martin, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Martin Picard, eds. 2021. Japan's Contemporary Media Culture between Local and Global. Heidelberg , Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks. Cite
Gairola, Rahul Krishna, and Martin Roth, eds. 2019. “Special Issue: Digital Spatiality.” Asiascape: Digital Asia 6 (1–2). Cite
坪井[Tsuboi], 秀人[Hideto], シュテフィ[Steffi] リヒター[Richter], and マーティン [Martin] ロート [Roth], eds. 2019. 世界のなかの〈ポスト3・11〉:ヨーロッパと日本の対話 [’Post 3.11’ in a Global Context: A Dialogue between Japan and Europe]. Tokyo: Shinyōsha [新曜社]. Cite
Richter, Steffi, Philip Clart, and Martin Roth, eds. 2016. 100 Jahre Ostasiatisches Institut an der Universität Leipzig, 1914-2014. Leipziger Ostasien-Studien 19. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite
Roth, Martin, and Fabian Schäfer, eds. 2014. Das Zwischen Denken: Marx, Freud Und Nishida. Für Toshiaki (Binmei) Kobayashi. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite

Articles and Book Chapters

Kacsuk, Zoltan, Xiaoyan Yang, Saskia Dreßler, Federico Pianzola, and Martin Roth. 2024. "Utilizing Metadata from Heterogeneous Sources within the Framework of the JVMG and GOLEM Projects to Identify Patterns in Anime-based Fandoms on AO3." Proceedings from the Document Academy 11 (1). Cite
Hust, Christoph, and Martin Roth. 2024. "Introduction: Toward a History of Music and Games in Western Culture." Journal of Sound and Music in Games 5 (3): 1–18. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2023. “Was Wird Denn Hier Gespielt? Genrebezogene Unterschiede Der Digitalen Spielelandschaft in Deutschland Und Japan [What Are You Playing? Genre-Related Differences in the Videogame Landscapes in Germany and Japan].” In Spielzeichen IV, 207–30. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2022. “Spielerische Verwebungen: Eine subjektiv-japanbezogene Analyse des Videospiels „Death Stranding“ [Playful Interweavings: A subjective Japan-related analysis of the videogame ‘Death Stranding’].” In Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung, edited by Dorothea Mladenova, Felix Jawinski, and Katrin Gengenbach, 321–52. Leipziger Ostasien-Studien 21. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2022. "Reclaiming Everydayness and Japanese Cultural Routines in Animal Crossing: New Horizons." Journal of Intercultural Studies 43 (6): 722–39. Cite
Kacsuk, Zoltán, Magnus Pfeffer, Simone Schroff, and Martin Roth. 2022. "Harmonizing Open Licenses among Online Databases of Enthusiast Communities: Challenges for the Legal Integration of Databases in the Japanese Visual Media Graph Project." Pop! Public. Open. Participatory 04 (October). Cite
Roth [ロート], Martin [マーティン], and Magnus [マグヌス] Pfeffer [プフェファー]. 2022. “日本のビジュアルメディア領域の ための知識グラフ提供へ [Creating a Knowledge Graph for the Domain of Japanese Visual Media].” デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 [Journal of the Japan Society for Digital Archive] 6 (1): 31–34. Cite
Picard, Martin, and Martin Roth. 2022. “The ‘Last Japanese Soldier’: Putting the Nation into Play.” In Capture Japan: Visual Culture and the Global Imagination from 1952 to the Present, edited by Marco Bohr, 87–106. London & New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Cite
Roth, Martin, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Martin Picard. 2021. "Introduction." In Japan's Media Culture between Local and Global: Current Perspectives on Regionality, Technology and Politics, edited by Martin Roth, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Martin Picard, 1–7. Heidelberg , Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks. Cite
Mühleder, Peter, and Martin Roth. 2021. "Playing out of bounds? Cross-platform community practice in and beyond Dark Souls." In Japan's Media Culture between Local and Global: Current Perspectives on Regionality, Technology and Politics, edited by Martin Roth, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Martin Picard, 315–33. Heidelberg , Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks. Cite
藤原[Fujihara], 正仁[Masahito], and マーティン [Martin] ロート [Roth]. 2021. “ドイツにおけるゲームレーティングシステム:USKとBPjMによる青少年保護 [The Game Rating System in Germany: A Study of Youth Protection Enforced by Entertainment Software Self-Regulation (USK) and the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (BPjM)].” シミュレーション&ゲーミング[Simulation and Gaming Japan] 31 (1): 63–75. Cite
藤原[Fujihara], 正仁[Masahito], and マーティン [Martin] ロート [Roth]. 2021. “ヨーロッパにおけるゲームレーティングシステム - PEGI システムの構造と変容 - [The Game Rating System in Europe - Structure and Transformation of the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) System -].” デジタルゲーム学研究 [Journal of Digital Games Research Japan] 14 (1): 19–31. Cite
Mühleder, Peter, Martin Roth, Tracy Arndt, and Florian Rämisch. 2020. "Duct-Taping Databases, or How to Use Fragmentary Online Data for Researching 'Japanese' Videogames." Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities 5 (1): 61–83. Cite
Inoue [井上], Akito [明人], and Martin [マーティン] Roth [ロート]. 2020. "Gamification." In Japanese Media and Popular Culture, edited by Jason G. Karlin, Patrick W. Galbraith, and Shunsuke Nozawa. Cite
Arndt, Tracy, Konstantin Freybe, André Lahmann, and Martin Roth. 2020. "Reference Evil – Bibliografische Herausforderungen bei Videospielen." Bibliotheksdienst 54 (5): 345–62. Cite
Picard, Martin, and Martin Roth. 2020. “GamifiNation: Historical Characters in the Japanese Musō Game Sengoku BASARA.” In Spielzeichen III, edited by Martin Hennig and Hans Krah, 341–58. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Cite
Mühleder, Peter, Armin Becker, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Sonnenanbetung Hinter Illusionswänden - Memes Als Kommunikative Praxis in Dark Souls.” In Prepare to Die: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls Und Bloodborne, edited by Rudolf Thomas Inderst, Pascal Wagner, and Christof Zurschmitten, 127–52. Game Studies. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Cite
Gairola, Rahul Krishna, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Cyber Zones: Digital Spatialities and Material Realities across Asia.” Asiascape: Digital Asia 6 (1–2): 4–16. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2019. “Digital Modes of Exchange: Structural Relations of Commodity, Control, and Community.” Asiascape: Digital Asia 6 (1–2): 110–34. Cite
ロート[Roth], マーティン[Martin]. 2019. “交換様式からみたデジタル空間の支配構造[The Structure of Control in Digital Space from the Perspective of Modes of Exchange].” In 世界のなかの〈ポスト3・11〉:ヨーロッパと日本の対話 [’Post 3.11’ in a Global Context: A Dialogue between Japan and Europe], edited by 秀人[Hideto] 坪井[Tsuboi], シュテフィ[Steffi] リヒター[Richter], and マーティン [Martin] ロート [Roth], 301–24. Tokyo: Shinyōsha [新曜社]. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2019. “Was Daten uns nicht sagen können.” In Diskurs der Daten, Qualitative Zugänge zu einem quantitativen Phänomen, edited by Steen Pamela and Liedtke Frank, 41–55. Sprache und Wissen (SuW) 38. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Cite
Roth Martin. 2019. “コラム:ドイツの大学におけるゲーム授業の変容と現状 [Column: Teaching Videogames at Universities Germany – a short overview].” 多元化するゲーム文化と社会[Diversifying game culture and society], edited by 松井[Matsui] 広志[Hiroshi], 井口[Iguchi] 貴紀[Takanori], 大石[Ōishi] 真澄[Masumi], 秦[Hata] 美香子[Mikako], 254–56. Tachikawa: ニューゲームズオーダー[New Games Order]. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2018. "The Suspension of Media Literacy." 5 Designing Media Ecology 8 (March):54–67.第8号3月9日発売. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2018. "Videospiele als politisches Medium." In Digitale Spiele: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Zu Diskursfeldern, Inszenierung Und Musik, edited by Christoph Hust, 107–24. Bielefeld: transcript. Cite
ロート [Roth], マーティン [Martin]. 2017. “ドイツのゲーム研究事情 [Observations on Videogame Research in Germany].” In ゲーム研究の手引き [A Brief Guide To Game Studies], edited by 伸司 [Shinji] 松永 [Matsunaga], 18–19. 文化庁 [Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan]. Cite
Glöckl, Julia, Martin Roth, Fabian Schäfer, Cleo Pelte, and Alexander Zahlten. 2016. "What is Re: Visions?" Re: Visions, September. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2016. “Herausforderungen Für Die Japanforschung Im Zeitalter Der Digitalen Medien.” In 100 Jahre Ostasiatisches Institut an Der Universität Leipzig, 1914-2014, edited by Steffi Richter, Philip Clart, and Martin Roth, 145–64. Leipziger Ostasien-Studien 19. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite
Roth, Martin E. 2015. "At the edge of a 'digital area' – locating small scale game creation." Asiascape: Digital Asia 2 (3): 183–212. Cite
Li, Carl, Mari Nakamura, and Martin Roth. 2013. "Japanese Science Fiction in Converging Media: Alienation and Neon Genesis Evangelion." Asiascape Occasional Papers, no. 6 (April), 1–16. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2013. “Playing ‘Naruto’: Between Meta-Narrative Characters, Unit Operations and Objects.” In Manga’s Cultural Crossroads, edited by Jaqueline Berndt and Bettina Kuemmerling-Meibauer, 243–58. New York, London: Routledge. Cite
Kindstrand, Love, Patrick W. Galbraith, and Martin Roth. 2012. "Japanese media spaces and 'Japan' in crisis." Asiascape.Org. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2011. “Otaku in Szene Gesetzt: Möglichkeiten Für Identitätsarbeit Und Kompetenzerwerb in Einer Japanischen Jugendkultur.” Bochumer Jahrbuch Zur Ostasienforschung 34/2010:261–82. Cite
ロート・マーティン [Roth, M.]. 2010. “ドイツにおけるゲーム・レーティング-法律に支えられた審査活動- [The German Game Rating System - a law-supported rating procedure].” デジタルゲーム学研究 [Journal of Digital Games Research] 4 (2): 89–92. Cite


Karatani, Kōjin. 2014. “Kobayashi Binmei Und Die „Nagoya-Schule“.” In Das Zwischen Denken: Marx, Freud Und Nishida. Für Toshiaki (Binmei) Kobayashi, edited by Martin Roth and Fabian Schäfer, translated by Martin Roth, 3–15. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite
Karatani, Kōjin. 2012. Auf der Suche nach der Weltrepublik - Eine Kritik von Kapital, Nation und Staat. Translated by Martin Roth. Leipziger Ostasien-Studien 16. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Cite


Roth, Martin. 2023. "Reviewing the Reviews Section." Asiascape: Digital Asia 10 (1–2): 227–29. Cite
Roth, Martin. 2021. "Review: Who Are You? Nintendo's Game Boy Advance Platform." Game Studies 21 (1). Cite
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Rezension von Prieler, Michael Und Florian Kohlbacher (2016): Advertising in the Aging Society: Understanding Representations, Practitioners, and Consumers in Japan.” Medien Und Altern 13 (November):88–90. Cite
Roth, Martin E. 2016. “Review of Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker, and McKenzie Wark, Excommunication.” Asiascape: Digital Asia 3 (3): 206–8. Cite
Richter, Steffi, and Martin Roth. 2016. “風が巻き起こり、欧州に台風が迫っている "… the Wind Is Rising, the Typhoon Is Approaching Europe …".” 5 Designing Media Ecology 6:14–15. Cite
Roth, Martin, and Fabian Schäfer. 2014. "Rousseau Meets Azuma: A Fictional Discourse on the 'General Will 2.0.'" Minikomi 84 (August):15–20. Cite
Roth, Martin E. 2014. “Book Review: Software Takes Command, Written by Manovich, Lev.” Asiascape: Digital Asia 1 (3): 226–28. Cite
Schäfer, Fabian, and Martin Roth. 2012. "Otaku, subjectivity and databases: Hiroki Azuma's Otaku: Japan's database animals." Digital Culture & Education 4 (2): 127–45. Cite