talks and events

Conference Papers and Talks

Schules, Douglas, and Martin Roth. 2024. “Playing with Streams: The Politics of Play on YouTube.” In ICA Game Studies 2024 Preconference: Games in a Time of Crises. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
Roth, Martin. 2023. “Reclaiming Everydayness and Japanese Cultural Routines in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.” Invited Presentation presented at the Gamez & ruleZ, Zürich, Switzerland, October 20.
Delanaux, Remy, and Martin Roth. 2023. “Towards ‘Linked Open SVOD Data’: A Data-Driven Study of the Digital Anime Market.” In JADH 2023. Online.
Roth, Martin. 2023. “Domestic and Transnational Play Cultures on YouTube.  The Case of Animal Crossing: New Horizon.” In Replaying Japan 2023, 104–5. Zokei University (Nagoya).
Roth, Martin. 2023. “Playing with Animal Crossing: A Data-Based Analysis of Regional and Transregional Practices in the Japanese, Korean and Chinese YouTube Space.” In . University of Seville, Spain.
Kacsuk, Zoltan, and Martin Roth. 2022. “Dataspaces / Datenräume Als Zugänge Zur Visuellen Medienkultur Japans.” In 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag. Universität Düsseldorf.
Roth, Martin, and Magnus Pfeffer. 2022. “Visual Media Graph / Open Research Data.” In 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag. Universität Düsseldorf.
Roth, Martin, Magnus Pfeffer, and Zoltan Kacsuk. 2022. “Developing the Japanese Visual Media Graph: An Open Knowledge Graph for Researchers Working on Japanese Anime, Manga and Otaku Culture.” In DH 2022. University of Tokyo (Online).
Kacsuk, Zoltan, Magnus Pfeffer, and Martin Roth. 2022. “Exploring the Commonalities and Differences in Descriptive Metadata Databases Compiled by Online Fan and Enthusiast Communities and Public Administration Agencies Using the Japanese Visual Media Graph.” In FanLIS 2022: Fan Futures – Beyond the Archive. City University of London.
Pfeffer, Magnus, Zoltan Kacsuk, and Martin Roth. 2022. “Japanese Visual Media Graph – Bündelung Des Wissens von Fan-Gemeinschaften in Einem Domänenspezifischen Knowledge Graph.” In DHd2022: Kulturen Des Digitalen Gedächtnisses. Konferenzabstracts. Potsdam.
ロートマーティン. 2022. “退屈の政治性ーデス・ストランディングにおける遊びを手がかりに.” 講義 presented at the 京都大学映画コロキアム, Kyoto University, January 17.
Roth, Martin. 2022. “Locating Play in Videogames from Japan.” Lecture in the presented at the Doctoral and Research Colloquium des AIK Bonn, Bonn (Online), January 17.
Roth, Martin. 2021. “Material Video Game Culture  in Germany and Japan [ドイツ・日本のゲーム文化の物理的比較].” Input presentation for the presented at the Workshop: ドイツ・日本のゲーム文化を巡る言説比較 The Discursive Negotiation of Video Game Culture in Japan and Germany, Ritsumeikan University, December 17.
Pfeffer, Magnus, Zoltan Kacsuk, Simone Schroff, and Martin Roth. 2021. “Harmonizing Open Licenses among Online Databases of Enthusiast Communities: Challenges Encountered in the Legal Integration of Databases in the Japanese Visual Media Graph Project.” In .
Picard, Martin, and Roth, Martin. 2021. “GamifiNation. Historical Characters in the Japanese Musō Game Sengoku BASARA.” Presented at the Factions and fictions, University of Murcia (online), November 9.
Roth, Martin, and Zoltan Kacsuk. 2021. “Metadata Analytics for Critical Research on Visual Media Culture.” In . Toronto (Online).
Roth, Martin, and Zoltan Kacsuk. 2021. “Who Populates in Japanese Visual Media? A Census of Fictional Characters Based on Fan-Created Data.” In 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies. Ghent University (online).
Roth, Martin. 2021. “Under the Radar – Visualizing the Spatial Complexity of ‘Japanese’ Console Videogames.” In Replaying Japan 2021: The 9th International Japan Game Studies Conference. University of Alberta (online).
Roth, Martin. 2021. “デジタルゲームにおける「遊び」 『集まれ動物の森』を例に.” In . Kanazawa (online).
Roth, Martin, Magnus Pfeffer, Luca Bruno, Senan Kiryakos, and Zoltan Kacsuk. 2021. “Mapping Japanese Visual Media: Collaborating with Enthusiast Communities to Open New Research Paths.” In Mechademia 2021. Kyoto (Online).
Picard, Martin, and Martin Roth. 2021. “GamifiNation. Historical Characters in the Japanese Musō Game Sengoku BASARA.” In Mechademia 2021. Kyoto (Online).
Roth, Martin. 2021. “Japanese Visual Media Graph.” Workshop presented at the Problemfelder und Lösungsvisionen im Umgang mit Datenbanken und Visualisierungen in digitaler Musikverlagsforschung und verwandten Gebieten der Digital Humanities, HMT Leipzig / Online, April 22.
Roth, Martin. 2021. “UnOrdentliches Spiel in Animal Crossing.” In Spielzeichen IV - Genres. Universität Passau (online).
Roth, Martin. 2021. “デジタルゲーム空間へのエクソダス? 遊びのエコロジーの再考察にむけて [Exodus to Digital Game Space? Rethinking the Ecology of Play].” Presentation at the Open Research Meeting “サバイバルのためのメディア” of the project 「脱マスメディア時代のポップカルチャー美学に関する基盤研究[Popular culture after mass media]」, Kyoto (Kyoto University), March 7.
Roth, Martin. 2020. “Digitale Medien Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Jugend in Japan: Mediennutzung, Digitalisierung in Der Bildung, Medienkompetenz.” Input presentation for the presented at the Online-Seminar „Jugend und Medien in Japan“ organized by IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V., Online, September 10.
Roth, Martin. 2020. “FromSoftware Games between Local and Global: A Data-Centered Analysis of the Historical Change in Videogame Production and Distribution.” In Replaying Japan 2020: The 8th International Japan Game Studies Conference. Liège (University of Liège).
ロート [Roth], マーティン[Martin]. 2020. “多様なデータソースの研究利活用 - データに基づくゲーム文化研究のニーズと実践 - [Using Heterogeneous Data Sources for Research - Requirements and Practices in Data-Based Game Culture Research -].” In 第10回年次大会予稿集 Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference, 35–38. Hachiōji: Digra Japan.
Pfeffer, Magnus, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Japanese Visual Media Graph: Providing Researchers with Data from Enthusiast Communities.” In 2019 Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, edited by Koraljka Golub, Marcia Zeng, Paul Walk, Sam Oh, and Tom Baker, 136–41. Seoul, Korea: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
Roth, Martin. 2019. “Political Philosophies of Violence in Videogame Space.” In The 6th International Forum of Sino-Japanese Philosophy. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
Roth, Martin. 2019. “Potentials and Challenges of a Data-Driven Perspective on Videogame Production, Distribution and Reception.” In JADH 2019: Localization in Global DH, 34–35. Kansai University, Osaka.
Freybe, Konstantin, Tracy Hoffmann, André Lahmann, Peter Mühleder, Florian Rämisch, Leander Seige, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Praise the Data \o/! Three Data-Driven Perspectives on FromSoftware Videogames.” In . Ritsumeikan University Kyōto.
Picard, Martin, and Martin Roth. 2019. “The ‘Last Japanese Soldier’: Putting the Nation into Play.” In . Ritsumeikan University Kyōto.
Sauer, Cäcilia, Marcus Kuribayashi, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Loot Boxes in Germany: Political Players, Public Perception and Legislation.” In . Ritsumeikan University Kyōto.
Pfeffer, Magnus, Martin Roth, Zoltan Kacsuk, Senan Kiryakos, and Luca Bruno. 2019. “Japanese Visual Media Graph: Project Introduction.” Presentation at the workshop presented at the Videogame and visual Media Data: Community-driven Initiatives and Research Avenues, Leipzig University, July 2.
Mühleder, Peter, Tracy Hoffmann, Florian Rämisch, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Tales of Doing Research with Video Game Fan Databases.” Presentation at the workshop presented at the Videogame and visual Media Data: Community-driven Initiatives and Research Avenues, Leipzig University, July 2.
Roth, Martin. 2019. “Einleitung Der Tagung ‘Pixel Art Und Chiptunes.’” Introduction to the conference presented at the Pixel Art und Chiptunes, HMT Leipzig / Leipzig University, June 20.
Lahmann, André, and Martin Roth. 2019. “Die JGames-Sammlung an Der UB Leipzig: Wie Man 4.500 Japanische Videospiele Nutzbar Macht.” Presented at the BID Kongress 2019, Leipzig, March 19.
Roth, Martin. 2019. “データ中心のゲーム研究インフラストラクチャー : Data-Based Infrastructure for Global Game Research (Diggr)」のアプローチ [A Data-Centered Infrastructure for Game Research: The Diggr-Approach].” In International Digital Game Preservation 2019  Symposium: What Requirements for Digital Games Preservation? Kyoto (Ritsumeikan University).
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Playing as Research.” Beitrag zum Workshop presented at the Archiving and Re-Performing Electroacoustic Music, Bayreuth, December 14.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Beiläufiger Nationalismus in Japanischen Konsolenspielen.” In Spielzeichen III - Kulturen Im Computerspiel / Kulturen Des Computerspiels. Passau.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Geschichte Und Nationalismus in Videospielen Aus Japan.” Invited Lecture, Wien (Universität Wien), December 5.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Publizieren Als Teil Des Seminars - Pubpub Als Neues Open Access Format.” Digitale Insel presented at the Tag der Lehre, Leipzig (Universität Leipzig), November 7.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Videospielproduktion in Japan Zwischen Lokalem Und Globalem.” In GfM Jahrestagung 2018 - Industrien. Siegen.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “The Suspension of Media Literacy and Platform Plunder.” In DIGITAL CULTURES: Knowledge / Culture / Technology. Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “Produktion „japanischer“ Videospiele Aus Einer Datenbasierten Perspektive.” In Japanologentag 2018. Berlin (FU Berlin).
Mühleder, Peter, Tracy Hoffmann, Konstantin Freybe, André Lahmann, Florian Rämisch, Martin Roth, and Leander Seige. 2018. “Tales of Doing Research with Video Game Fan Databases: A Data-Driven Approach.” In Replaying Japan 2018. Nottingham (National Videogame Archade).
Roth, Martin. 2018. “The Spatiality of Videogame Production in Japan.” In Replaying Japan 2018.
Picard, Martin, and Martin Roth. 2018. “Fantasies of Japan’s Past in Nioh (and Other Games).” In Digra 2018. Turin.
Roth, Martin. 2018. “On Modes of Exchange in Digital Space.” Presentation at the workshop presented at the 遊び化する労働──参加型文化における遊びと情動 On Playbour: Laborization of Affect and Play in Participatory Culture, Ritsumeikan University Kyōto, June 25.
Roth, Martin, and Peter Mühleder. 2018. “文化生産のグローバル化?日本のゲーム産業の場合 / The Globalization of Cultural Production? A Case Study of the Game Industry in Japan.” In Cultural Typhoon 2018. Ryūkoku University, Kyōto.